additional information


* Childcare – during all the events at Alexela Concert Hall there is a childcare from 5.30 pm – 9.30 pm (on the right side in the lobby) Children will have a good time and will be well taken care of by loving people. NB! Childcare is available for the children 2,5 yrs old and older.

* Translation – during all the events at Alexela Concert Hall there will be a simultaneous translation into Russian and sign language for deaf people. NB! Translation sets are available in the lobby. NB! Translation sets are available in the lobby.

*Guests in the wheelchairsare more than welcome to join us! There are 2 options to enter the building:

  1. When coming with a car, drive to the Solaris Parking house (parkimismaja), where you will find the references to the Alexela Concert Hall and where there are 2 marked handicap parking spots. If these are taken you would need to find a regular parking spot. Taking an elevator from there you will end up on the 0-floor, where there is lobby and the wardrobe.
  2. Entering the Solaris Center from the Rävala street entrance, turn right away to the left. There you will see a black door, that is a special entrance. In order to enter from there you need to call: +372 61 55 113

* How to come – more detailed info about how to come to Alexela Concert Hall is found here:

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